About our journal

Content and reach:

Spontaneous Generations is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal hosting work concerned with the history and philosophy of science and science and technology. We accept articles from scholars at any graduate level affiliated with any university institution. Articles published in Spontaneous Generations have been cited internationally.

institutional affiliation:

Spontaneous Generations is affiliated with the University of Toronto’s Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST). Concurrently, it is operated by members of the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (HAPSAT) Graduate Students Society.

Editorial team:

Spontaneous Generations is edited and managed by students from the University of Toronto:

  • Auguste Nahas serves as one of the journal’s editors. He previously completed a masters of philosophy at the University of Cambridge and is currently preparing his PhD thesis on topics related to agency and teleology as they pertain to living beings within the study of biology.

  • Emma Sigworth is the journal’s other editor. She completed her MA at Concordia University and now studies the nature of explanations of phenomena within the biological sciences.

  • Jevan Konyar is the journal’s editorial assistant. He is currently completing his undergraduate degree at the University of Toronto.